Sunday, August 24, 2008

tip wand in the desert.

After helping set the Hart mountain task, I went to set up my glider and found only one tip wand. Oh No ! I had left it in the dirt after landing in the sage brush near doherty slide! I sent my parents to grab my battens from my other glider, but Wayne rescued me having transported Ben Rogers glider for the meet. I borrowed it and came 3rd for the day. I was stoked and exhausted by the drama and the flight. Hart mountain was stunningly beautiful. Alas I did not have my camera this day.


Anonymous said...

did you retreve that wand?

sounds like you flew very well....what were the final standings?

Paul Allen

west coast brit said...

Jeff OB found it last night using lat/lon and his desert tracking skills.
1. Zac
2. Jeff OB
3. Dave Gibson

very high standard of flying at the top.
Very much fun had by all :)