Saturday, March 15, 2014

Flying with Goldens

I had a nice flight Sunday 9 Mar, and got some nice pictures, so figured I'd share some. The local site - Ed Levin, is usually only good before a front passes, which was the situation on this day. It was unusually warm for a good day in March so my expectations were pretty low.
 I think in the picture above you can see a slanted haze layer, I think this shows where a convergence was located. Cooler moist air to the north, balmy air going up over it from the south. Likely the seabreeze effect coupled into the situation, it was a pretty weak day. We got pretty high for such weak conditions. I saw 6800'msl for a short while, but bailed out of the lift since I was getting very close to the SFO airspace.
 A few of us flew to Mission and back, Ryan on his single surface! Well it is a Freedom ;)
 On the way back I ws lucky enough to thermal back up with a whole family of golden eagles. Looked like Grandpa, Mamma, Pap and a couple fledglings, six or seven in totally all lazily circling up.

All to soon the covergence fell apart or moved, after contemplating landing on top for half an hour, I landed easily and drove down. Icing on the cake! Pretty nice day :)

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