Monday, August 11, 2014

Angel Island

A couple weeks back we went up to Angel Island, the plan was to go to Stinson Beach, but the fog was pretty thick. So we jumped on the next ferry in Tiberon. its $12.50 a person or so.

Maddy loves the water :)

The pretty natural harbor - Ayala cove.

Since Grandma can't walk too far, we took the noisy tourist tractor around the island. I think that will be something I do just once. Although the views are nice, a bike would have been perfect. One day I want to kayak camp here and watch the sunset on SF and Alcatraz.

We asked Maddy what she thought of the day. "A good choice for the weather... That tourist bus should have been a quiet electric... a pretty spot I'd give a 7 and a half. "

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

St John 2014

It's been a few years since I flew St John. The sonoma wings club always hosts a fun fly-in. You may recognise some faces from past times there.

There was a good turn out, maybe 32 wings flew. I flew my Freedom as I failed to put my blade back together in time. It sure is a long glide out from there ! 
Still Saturday, I managed a nice flight up to Paskenta, for a little short of 32 miles. It was fun flying with a few buddies, especially Ryan who mentored me a little further along down the road.

Sunday was a different day. Everyone else must have known, as only Wayne, Ryan, Scott and I showed up at launch. We flew anyway, and each had interesting launches. The wind was pretty cross from the left which is usually not a problem. This day it made launch "interesting". The high pressure and flat lapse rate probably didn't help either.

The climbs were turbulent, and sink brutal in the head wind. I made it out to Fouts Springs, the bigger field is now open to land in since the correctional facility has closed.

I found a few more climbs up over Potato Hill, the PG launch. Then glided into the 20mph+ headwind and was glad to be landing the Freedom in the plain nasty air. No dramas. Fun weekend, and great to have a fantastic new driver, that I think we will lose to being a pilot in short order.