I started my ride by Echo Lake, at about 10,600ft MSL.

I started there because that is where the road is closed to motor vehicles. With COVID happening and parking at the top being limited and trails narrow, the road has remained closed all season, which makes it a dream to ride up.

Looking north, the Williams Fork fire continues to burn.

Bighorn sheep I think?, just the females.

Looking south and getting higher

Summit lake just below 13k.

Some snow that must spend most of its time in the shade.

Finally the parking lot at 14,160ft. Not so bad really, a pretty easy grade most of the way and I must be well adjusted to the elevation.

Meyer-Wobble Observatory soon to be decommissioned.

I didn't realize this road is the highest paved road in the US. Since I'd ridden my bike, I was wearing my road shoes which are rubbish to walk in. I decided to bare foot the remaining 105ft to the real summit. It was worth it for the views, the high light of the ride really, I imagine a regular summers day would be crowded.

Mountain goats just walking around, they are a wild species, but introduced from Montana in 1947.

Jefferson Valley to the South. Virga was starting to fall and the temperature was dropping rapidly, time to get off the mountain. The ride down was surprisingly unfun with ruts every 40 feet or so.