The day seemed fairly harmless, wind was SE on the ground at 5-15mph a little gusty - but that's Texas. Above 200ft it was probably S @ 20mph. Air was unusually cold for the wind direction. I had already taken one flight.
I was happy that Joel beat me too it and gave me the rope. As you can see from the sequence below, I had quite a bit of energy from the sling shot effect, but also with the air being pretty radical. Even off line I continued to be pitched up despite pulling in. All to soon I was without airspeed in a bad sideslip, I think the images are 2 seconds apart.So the sideslip was about 4 seconds (that's a lot - I was begining to think I would side slip to the ground).
So what can be learned from all this ? We certainly are exposed to a higher level of risk from 20-80ft on tow. Are there things that increased my exposure? After having mulled over this a while I'd say there were three different possibly companding factors.
1. I think I was flying with too much VG (4/5) This compromised my roll control.
2. I had a camera on my sprog, and I've noticed before at high airspeed, the handling does weird stuff (probably on acount of the zipper being open and air pressure changing the camber).
3. In Luling we tow at higher airpseeds, this narrows the envelope that a glider should be in behind the tug. Which in turn will reduce the amount of turbulence that can be handled.
I think each of these factors on there own are innocuous, but combined had a dramatic result. I'd rather not do that again.